Our Coffees

Verlet has been importing and roasting the best Arabica coffees from around the world since 1880. When he returned from travels in Latin and Central America in the 1920s, Auguste Verlet created the legendary blends « Haute Mer » and « Grand Pavois », both of which are still available today. In the 1960s Pierre Verlet pioneered the roasting of single origin rare vintages. Now you can enjoy the refreshing originality of single origin pure Brazilian, Colombian, Kenyan and many other fine crus. To this day our coffee roaster seeks out exceptional plantations producing delectable vintages in Colombia, Panama and Guatemala, but also new, lesser-known plantations, which Verlet fosters, from Saint Helena to Thailand, Burma and Laos...
Unique and exceptional coffees are available online and in our boutique. They are hand roasted rue de Montpensier and custom ground on request.

Historic blend


Price €10.00

Coffee Colombia


Price €11.00

Coffee Papua New Guinea


Price €11.00

Coffee India


Price €11.00

Out of stock

Coffee Yémen


Price €27.00

Coffee Panama


Price €79.00

Coffee Ethiopia


Price €13.00